Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tim Kennedy Eager to Make a Statement in Battle with Melvin Manhoef

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Tim KennedyWhen Tim Kennedy steps in against Melvin Manhoef in Strikeforce this Saturday night, it will have been nearly seven months since his last fight -- a narrow decision loss against Strikeforce middleweight champ Ronaldo 'Jacare' Souza.

If you ask Kennedy, seven months is much too long without somebody to punch in the face on live TV. And it's just possible, he's willing to admit now, that maybe he didn't handle the layoff all that well.

"I don't mean to use an inappropriate metaphor, but you know that guy who really wants to go home with a girl, and it's two o'clock in the morning and the bar's closing down and he's just going after everybody? He doesn't care what they look like or what they weigh, he's just up for anything? That's how I've been feeling about a fight," Kennedy told MMA Fighting. "Like, how about you? How about you? Just anybody."


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