Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Is Sergio Martinez The Best Boxer In The World? Answering "Yes" Is No Longer Heresy

(The new pound-for-pound king? Credit: Teddy Blackburn, DBE)

Almost every other month since forever, this site's list of the best fighters in the world has placed Manny Pacquiao at #1 and cautioned routinely that almost no matter what he does, Pacquiao's spot is secure because nobody beneath him is doing enough to challenge for the crown.

That changed on Saturday. Watch out, Manny. Sergio's coming for your headgear. In case you didn't notice, he has already worn a crown of his own.

Pacquiao is still #1 in my book. But after what Sergio Martinez did to Serhiy Dzinziruk this weekend, should anyone want to say Martinez has already taken Pacquiao's title, they have a good argument*. It is not, to steal the word of long time friend of the site schraubd, "heresy." Nor is it promotional blather from Lou DiBella aimed at hyping Martinez. It's as real as something as ephemeral as rankings of the best fighters regardless of weight can get.

Source: http://queensberry-rules.com/2011-articles/march/is-sergio-martinez-the-best-boxer-in-the-world-answering-qyesq-is-no-longer-heresy.html

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