Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Quick Jabs: Sergio Martinez And Weight; The Next Generation Of Juan Manuel Lopez Apologies; More

You've probably already seen it, because it's been out since February, or maybe you haven't, because so few have according to the view count. But boxing promoter Gary Shaw's kid has produced such a comical musical video that it has to be seen, if you haven't witnessed it. I love the idea that some video director thought the best video for THIS song was him typing on an old-fashioned literary-looking typewriter "Girl... u know u sexy," and doin' it in the library of books Jared has assuredly read in full.

It's all by way of some light viewing before you get ready for a packed night of boxing, which we've covered extensively here this week. But there's room for discussion of things that aren't about this weekend, and that room is here, now.


Junior Jones Gerrie Coetzee Michael Dokes Leon Spinks

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