Thursday, December 16, 2010

Stefan Struve Wants to Get to 280 Pounds for Lesnar, Carwin, Etc.

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With his first-round win at UFC 124, Stefan Struve has now captured five of his last six fights, a strong run in the division. Because of it, many believe Struve is soon to face up with some of the division's best. On the flip side, Struve is just 22 years old, so it might make some sense to let him continue to work his way towards the division's elites.

Because of a variety of issues, the UFC may well put Struve into the mix with the biggest of its big names, including Brock Lesnar and Shane Carwin, athletes who cut down to make the division's 265-pound limit. And while Struve thinks he's ready for the move skill-wise, he would prefer to take a little more time to put on the muscle he feels is necessary to face the UFC's monster heavyweights.


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