Tuesday, June 28, 2011

On eve of random drug testing, NSAC looks to institute stiffer penalties for failed screens

LAS VEGAS - With the Nevada State Athletic Commission set to resume random drug testing on July 1, the commissioners also hope to soon institute stiffer penalties for those failing screens.

During the NSAC's monthly meeting, held today in Las Vegas, commissioner Pat Lundvall and Francisco Aguilar each discussed the need for increased penalties to offending combatants, particularly in the case of fighters using diuretics.

"We are seeing an increasing amount of these diuretics," Lundvall said. "I think it is getting to be almost a problem.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/mmajunkie/~3/a4UdFdDe7dA/on-eve-of-random-drug-testing-nsac-looks-to-institute-stiffer-penalties-for-failed-screens.mma

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