Wednesday, January 26, 2011

One Year Later, Herschel Walker Returns to MMA, Then Hints at NFL Comeback

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At 48 years old, Herschel Walker is still looking for ways to challenge himself. On January 29, he'll be back in the cage for the first time in one year, facing Scott Carson at Strikeforce: Diaz vs. Cyborg.

Walker doesn't have any grand plans on fighting beyond that match, choosing to see how his learning progresses, but surprisingly, he may have his eye on another sporting venture. The former football superstar has designs on a possible NFL comeback.

"I know I can play," Walker said on a Monday conference call. "If I continue to stay in the shape I'm in now, I know I can play when I'm 50. Right now, if you asked if I can play today, there's absolutely no doubt in my mind I can play football today, that I can help out a team today."


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